Hi there! In this tutorial, we're going to embark on a creative journey to draw the beautiful and captivating Ariana Grande. With a few simple steps and a bit of patience, you'll be creating an incredible likeness of the pop sensation in no time. Let's get started!
For this tutorial, you will need the following materials:
1. Paper (preferably sketch paper)
2. Pencils (a variety of hardness levels such as 2B, 4B, and 6B work best)
3. Eraser
4. Sharpener
5. Smudging stick or tissue
6. Highlighting pen or marker (optional)
Step 1: Gather Reference Image
Before starting any drawing, it's essential to have a good reference image. Open an image of Ariana Grande on your phone or computer that you can easily access as you draw. Pay attention to her facial features, hair, and overall pose. This will help you capture her likeness accurately.
Step 2: Establish Facial Proportions
Use your pencil to lightly sketch the basic facial proportions of Ariana Grande. Begin with a circle for the head and draw lines to represent the chin, jaw, and ears. These lines will serve as a guide for the placement of other facial features later on. Drawing Ariana Grande's face shape, Begin by drawing an oval for the basic shape of her face. Use two lightly curved lines for her jawline, giving her a somewhat heart-shaped face. Draw a slightly arched forehead to balance out her face shape. Add in some softly defined cheekbones to further refine her face shape.
Step 3: Draw the Eyes
Begin by lightly sketching the eyes. Ariana Grande has a specific eye shape that's slightly almond-shaped with a slight upturned corner, giving her a youthful, doe-eyed appearance.Drawing slightly almond-shaped eyes with a slight upturned corner, Start with basic oval shapes for the eyes, keeping them slightly pointed at the inner corner, Draw a small, rounded triangle at the outer corner of each eye to represent the upturned corner, Add in the eyelashes in a few simple lines, making sure they point upward to enhance the almond shape, Use shading or hatching to add depth and dimension to the eyes. Make sure to capture this shape accurately. Her eyes are also well-defined and have a distinct winged liner look, so don't forget to add those details.
Step 4: Draw the eyebrows
Ariana Grande has very distinct eyebrows with a high arch. Begin by sketching out the basic shape of the eyebrows, noting their curvature and thickness. Make sure to get the placement and angles correct – well-placed eyebrows are crucial for capturing the likeness of any face, including Ariana's.
Step 5: Draw the nose
Ariana Grande has a small, slightly upturned nose. Begin by sketching the basic shape of the nose, noting its width, length, and how it fits into the overall facial structure. To draw an upturned nose, Start with a basic line or circle to represent the general shape of the nose, Add two curves to form the nostrils, making them small and rounded, Draw the bridge of the nose by sketching a short, straight line below the nostrils, Curve the tip of the nose slightly upwards to give it an upturned appearance, Add some shading or shadows to give the nose depth and shape. Pay close attention to the placement and angle of the nostrils as well. Try to capture the subtle curves and shadows of her nose for a realistic look.
Step 6: Draw the mouth
Ariana Grande has a prominent and expressive mouth. Begin by lightly sketching the shape of the mouth, noting its fullness and the way the lips curve at the corners when she smiles. Her upper lip is thinner than her lower lip, which adds to the overall expression of her face.
Step 7: Refine and Add Details
Now that you've drawn the basic facial features, it's time to refine them. Go over each feature, adding details such as eyelashes, skin texture, and definition. Use a variety of pencils and techniques, such as blending and smudging, to bring everything together. Don't forget to compare your work to the reference image periodically to ensure accuracy. Additionally, consider adding some highlights or shadows to give your drawing more depth and dimension. This will help make your drawing look more realistic.
Remember that practice makes practice, so don't be discouraged if your drawing isn't perfect on the first try. Keep practicing and developing your skills, and you'll soon find yourself creating incredible portraits. Happy drawing!