3 Ways to Make Your Living Room Pop

When you’re relaxing in your home during the day or when entertaining guests, where does it happen? If it’s not in your kitchen or dining room area, it’s probably your living room. Living rooms offer homeowners a lot of opportunities to cultivate a specific look or atmosphere. If you want to make yours pop, there are some things you can do to achieve that.

Change the Style

Not only do living rooms provide the perfect space to relax in, but they also offer you a chance to really showcase the style of your home. If you really want to make your living room pop, changing up the style in this room can be a great way to make it stand out. There are a ton of different interior design styles, and thousands of pictures of each that you can look to for inspiration. Pick one that speaks to you and start making plans for giving your living room a whole new look.

Add a Bit of Color

You may have heard that neutral colors and tones are the best to have in your home. While there is something to be said for that, especially if you’re preparing to sell your home, keeping everything in a neutral color can get a bit boring after a while. Adding color can be a great way to make your living room more interesting and cultivate a specific atmosphere. You can use something as simple as an area rug to add color into a rather dull living room. Adding pictures, art, and other decorations also work well for this purpose.

Use Reflective Surfaces

Reflective surfaces have the ability to instantly make a room feel bigger and brighter. While you don’t want your living room to look like a magpie’s nest, adding a statement mirror to the wall can be a great way to amplify the natural light coming through the windows. A glass coffee table, while not quite as reflective as a mirror, still allows light to pass through it and gives the illusion of a brighter, more spacious room. As an added bonus, it provides you with additional decorating space. Decorating your coffee table can be another great way to help your living room pop a little more.

The adjustments you make to make your living room pop can be as big or as simple as you want. Changing up the style altogether can be fun, though it’s quite a project. Alternatively, adding a bit of color or making use of reflective surfaces can be less involved, yet still effective options. Ultimately, how complicated and detailed you want your project and end result to be is entirely up to you and what you want.

Read this next: How to Transform Your Bedroom With a New Design

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