4 Things to Know Before Renovating Your Home

Renovating your home can make it more fun to live in, increase the value, and build equity quickly. However, renovation takes planning, and not everyone has the time or skills. Be honest about your tolerance for mess and disruption before you pick up a hammer.

If You Can’t DIY

There are skills that you can pick up with every project. Whether you want to learn to patch drywall or sand and repaint your kitchen cabinets, understand that there are some undertakings you can handle on your own and others you should probably avoid taking a DIY approach to. Hire a contractor for electrical, plumbing and HVAC jobs. Take the time to check their references to avoid being stuck with poor results that you’ll have to hire someone else to fix. Get a quote for the job, and be available to monitor the crew the first time out.

Time and Money

Renovation always costs more than you expect it to, and it will take more time than you think. If you’re deadline-driven, set yourself a goal to be completed by a certain date. Be ready to look for items you can salvage from what you have or things you can purchase used. This can result in considerable savings.

Increasing Value

Check out your neighborhood. Talk with a realtor about comparable sales in the vicinity or review tax valuations. If your house is the smallest on the market, you may be able to build a lot of equity with targeted renovation projects. You can greatly increase your home’s value if you upgrade a heating/cooling system or replace worn-out flooring.

Put Time Into Your Cleanup

One of the biggest challenges with renovation is that you can get in your own way if you don’t clean up at the close of each day’s work. Do your best to pick up all tools, put batteries in chargers, clean brushes, and cover paint. Leave your worksite broom clean and check the space to make sure you and your family aren’t tracking renovation mess throughout the house. It takes a little time each day, but you’ll have less mess to deal with at the end of the project.

Make sure to put in plenty of thinking time when renovating your space. If you’re moving walls or putting in cabinets, bring home big boxes to set in place and understand how the layout of your home will change. Hire professionals for big jobs or anything that might be dangerous, and enjoy your new space!

Check out this page for decorative elements you can use to put the finishing touches on a newly renovated room.


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