Boost Your Creativity by Working in Multiple Mediums

Many artists and creative professionals have considered working in more than one medium. A watercolor painter might be interested in learning how to use oils, a sculptor might want to experiment with drawing, or a visual artist might want to branch out into performance art. Although changing media, form, style, or genre might seem daunting, it can actually be beneficial, providing a way for artists to boost their creativity.

Branching Out

Although a number of artists are famous for working within a single medium, there have also been famous masters who have been successful in more than one medium. For example, Michelangelo achieved success as both a sculptor and a painter, while Pablo Picasso dabbled in everything from pointillism to poetry. Because many artists are accustomed to thinking symbolically, aesthetically, and abstractly, they can often transfer their skills over into other areas.

Creative Power

Branching out into other forms of art is also a good way to fuel your own creativity. By working in other media, you can explore new ways of expressing yourself and experiment with new styles. A genre or format that you aren’t familiar with imposes new constraints and eliminates old ones, allowing you to think laterally and take risks.

Multimedia Potential

Another benefit of exploring multiple art forms is that it allows you to build connections from piece to piece, even across media. For example, you might explore how a single subject can be represented in multiple ways, or you can create companion pieces that take advantage of your growing skills. You can even combine your varied artistic abilities to create multimedia pieces.

Professional Advancement

Some professional artists worry that it can be more difficult to market themselves if they work in more than one medium, but thanks to the internet, more options for selling your work are available than ever before. If you feel like you’re stuck in a rut when it comes to creativity, then switching media might be just what you need to find inspiration and make your art stand out.

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